This cake was made overnight...literally! The person requesting this cake wanted it delivered to a dinner party the next day! So here was my first chance to see if I could bake and decorate a cake (I did tell this person it would be a simple cake - no hand-painted fondant here!) with very short notice. I immediately went home and .... it was such a nice day .... a shame to let that good weather go to waste! So I doinked around instead of starting on the cake right away. I think I started baking around 5 p.m. and didn't get the buttercream made up until after 9. (There was a good show on that night!) I then decided I would go to bed and get the cake done in the morning; however, I ended up getting up at 1 a.m. (courtesy a wake-up call administered by a set of two-year-old lungs) and going to work on it. I don't really remember finishing the cake but I sure was tired! I felt good about how the cake turned out for such short notice, but this is definitely NOT my best work! I hope it was tasty...it was a yellow cake (dyed green on request) filled with rum buttercream. The sides were frosted green but it is hard to see in the picture. Lesson learned...make up buttercream ahead of time and freeze for short-notice cakes. Oh yeah, and don't procrastinate!